Di manakah anda selalu berblogwalking?
-to be honest,i always BW to my friends blog..especially the one that always visit my blog...heee
Kenapa anda suka berblogwalking?
-why do i like BW?its simple,cause when i BW...i can find out what happend in my friends blog and i can find many new friend...so by doing that i can increase my traffic also...heee...
Apa yang ada dapat kalau BW?
-new friends and information...
Macam mana perasaan orang yang ada BW itu?
-wuahhh this question is hard to answer,but hopefully they always happy visiting my blog...ngeee...
Tag 5 rakan anda di sini.
-ana j
p/s : heeee..mengade je speaking...rase2nye redmummy trima ker ni..kte tngguuu...
6 Komen:
award untuk orang rajin bw.. congrats~
tahniah2x DC baru dapt 1 jer award:) ssob2:d hehehe
chaon=tq bro...
DC=hehehe...nnt byk r tue,cayela...
:)congratz..minta petua..
zaujahafis=sbenaqnye krole bru g...mmm...rsenya kne rajin BW r heee
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